ERROR 508 (2022)

Let’s imagine a world where events follow each other in an eternal loop. Where every failure is inevitable and our patterns of action are irresolvable. Where humanity, in an attempt to escape this cycle, puts all its efforts into controlling events and optimising processes.

ERROR 508 (loop detected) is a dance piece without beginning and without end. A contemporary interdisciplinary production that deals with the dystopia of an eternal loop. An eternal repetition of failure and failing – on a personal as well as on a global level – could lead us to despair. Can we also find humour and wisdom in this?

An ode to the absurd and fragile beauty of human agency.


January 2022, Zentralwäscherei, Zurich

a compagnie O. production.

More informations here.


art. direction, choreography: Marie Alexis

concept: Marie Alexis, Ivalina Yapova

Scenography, lights: Ivalina Yapova

Music: Mladen Dabizljevic

Costumes, styling: Karen Feelizitas Petermann

Text: Barbara Marie Hofmann

Sound Design: Serafin Aebli

Dance: Lyn Bentschik, Alice D’Angelo, Diane Gemsch, Naomi Kamihigaschi, Ambra Peyer, Niki Stalder

Performance, voice: Hannah Drill

Production: Marie Alexis, Carina Neumer

chor. assistant, rehearsal director: Lisa Lareida

Outside eye: Annie Hanauer

Photography: Helen Ree

Video camera: Patricia Meier

Video editing: Marie Alexis

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